“The police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.”

— Robert Peel, twice prime minister of the United Kingdom and regarded as the father of modern British policing

No words could more clearly and succinctly summarize the ultimate objective of the LEO Project; rebuilding the cooperative relationship between police officers and private citizens, and reaffirming the reverence for and trust in the men and women of law enforcement who serve their communities throughout this great country.  

In recent years, several high-profile events involving law enforcement’s use of force have focused tremendous public scrutiny on police organizations throughout the country. Various advocacy groups, elected officials, civil rights organizations, social media and legal entities have had the effect of not only eroding the historically high-level of public trust and respect for law enforcement, but also discouraging the proactive and innovative methods used by these agencies in the prevention of crime and efforts to ensure public safety. 

There has been a trend by the news media to move away from covering positive stories about law enforcement, including the daily challenges faced by individual officers.  Law enforcement needs to re-establish its historically high level of trust, respect and support amongst those it serves.  

Despite the rare failure of an individual officer to adhere to the highest standards, law enforcement officials by in large perform their duty with honor and professionalism.  Police officers still lose their lives in the line of duty, leaving their families emotionally and financially devastated  This is a harsh reality.  We, as members of our respective communities, can each do our part to encourage the highest level of professionalism from law enforcement officials, work with those officials toward the common goal of a safer society and honor the extraordinary sacrifice of those who lay down their lives in the service of their fellow man.  Donations to The LEO Project help provide assistance to fallen officers’ families, and recognition of the daily sacrifices made by our nation’s law enforcement professionals.  

The LEO Project is dedicated to providing the means by which individual law enforcement officers, private citizens, communities and law enforcement agencies together can work toward building a safer, more civil society.  Please become a part of the process and support YOURLEOPROJECT.ORG